10 Most Exciting Comic Book Movie Revelations From Comic-Con 2014

From Ant-Man to an armour-clad Batman, Comic-Con delivered some huge Comic-Book movie revelations.

By Sam Heard /

The time of the year where over 100,000 fans gather to dress up in awesome costumes and hear the latest announcements about movies, television shows and video games drew to a close all too quickly. However, the convention has left an impact on the present landscape of geek culture which is bound to leave fans giddy with excitement for weeks. The amazing costumes proved in the end to be a side attraction to the announcements and revelations which would be made at this year€™s Comic-Con. True to the convention€™s name and comic book origins, no film genre was better represented than superhero movies. From Marvel to DC, Ant-Man to an armour-clad Batman, a host of news, rumours and revelations became public knowledge in San Diego. Fans of the genre can rest easy knowing that for the next three years they have some huge blockbuster titles to look forward to. Overall you'd have to say that of the big two, DC outdid Marvel this year in terms of revelations pertaining to superhero film releases. Both superpowers of the comic book world had many announcements up their sleeve but DC gave fans that little more to get excited for. As usual WhatCulture.com is on hand to sift through the inordinate amounts of new information we learnt from San Diego and tell you exactly what you need to know about forthcoming comic book film projects. Here are the 10 biggest revelations you need to know: