10 Most Insane Star Wars Fan Theories

Wait... Snoke is who?!

By Jake Kell /

Star Wars fans are as passionate as they come, and that is made clear by the endless debates and conversations that rage online and in person every single day.


One of the most fascinating things to come out of any fandom are the fan theories these people come up with. Everyone in their time has speculated on things they have a suspicion about, but some of these fan theories take it to the extreme, making such bold claims with little evidence. Star Wars has a history of twists and turns throughout it's ever-growing saga, so perhaps that is why it breeds such absurd fan theories.

Everything from hidden Sith Lords, secret character motivations and even movie crossovers are speculated on in these theories. Some of the theories are actually quite well thought out and could one day even turn out to be true, others less so. And some have been disproven already, but they still make you think.

Nevertheless it is endlessly fun to listen to the far-fetched ideas of others about the galaxy far, far away. Sit back and prepare yourself for a dose of insanity.

10. Han Solo Is Force Sensitive

Quick reflexes? Impressive piloting abilities? Able to talk their way out of any situation? Just a few things most Jedi and Han Solo have in common. That's right, could it be that George Lucas intended Han Solo to be a force-user all along? Fans have argued that throughout the saga, Han shows several clear instances of being force sensitive.


Even in the A New Hope Special Edition, Han shows superhuman reflexes to dodge the blaster bolt from Greedo in the Cantina, something that surely only a force-user could do. Could it be that Lucas made this change specifically to emphasise Han's ability?

It's not an impossible theory, but it does seem unlikely and somewhat takes the shine off the lovable smuggler by making the force responsible for all that makes him special.
