10 Most Insane Star Wars Fan Theories

9. Luke Skywalker Is Kylo Ren

Kylo Ren Luke Skywalker

In the long run-up to The Force Awaken's release in 2015, one of the fan theories that gained a large amount of traction was that the true identity of this new mysterious character Kylo Ren, was in fact Luke Skywalker. This largely comes down to Mark Hamill's absence in all of the marketing material for the movie. Of course it is clear after seeing the film that this was due to Luke only appearing in the final scene of the film, but fans at the time had other ideas.

In the trailers for the film, Kylo Ren was hidden behind a mask with a clearly synthesised voice which made it easy to speculate on his identity. After Luke's brushes with the dark side in Return of the Jedi, fans suggested that he had fallen to the dark side and was now following in his father's footsteps as the new masked villain of the galaxy. As we now know, not exactly how things turned out.

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