10 Most Satisfying Moments In Avengers: Endgame

Infinity War may have fewer plot holes, but Endgame is more satisfying.

By Amy Cornforth /

Avengers: Endgame blasted onto our screens last week and is already on track to be the best box office film of all time, making around 1.5 billion within its first week of release. It’s possibly the most hyped film of all time and had legions of fans biting their nails anxiously for over a year in anticipation. This is hardly surprising, since it was set to resolve the biggest cliffhanger of 2018.


The excitement for the film's release was heightened by the fact that the 21 films prior to Endgame have been building up to this finale. With the film being the climax of the Infinity Stones arc, Endgame was set to finish plot-lines, complete character arcs and include payoffs. No wonder we were equal parts excited and anxious about how Marvel could possibly deliver.

Thankfully, they did just that and the film is a triumph of satisfying moments that resolved years of waiting and wondering, and made the audience want to weep and cheer in equal measure.

10. Cap Is Finally Worthy!

During the battle between Thanos, Thor, Cap and Iron Man. Thor finds himself trapped by Thanos, who is trying very hard to kill him with his own axe. He is thwarted by Mjolnir, but when it returns to the hand of its thrower, we discover that it's Captain America.


This moment was teased back in 2015 during Avengers: Age of Ultron, when all the Avengers are trying to lift Thor’s hammer. Out of all the Avengers, Captain America is the only one who is able to shift it a little bit. Since then, we have been waiting for an original Avenger to wield Mjolnir in battle, so it was satisfying to see this moment finally happen. It seems that Cap’s journey and growth throughout his films in the MCU has brought him to a point where he's now worthy of wielding Mjolnir.

Since Mjolnir boosts his power substantially, he then proceeds to kick the crap out of Thanos with it, accompanied by enthusiastic audience cheers (or silent internal cheers if you are a polite audience member.)
