10 Most Underrated Movies Of The 2010s

Some films just deserve MORE.

By William Jones /

There are so many movies that come out each year that a few of them are destined to fall through the cracks. They may get love from critics or Hollywood insiders but for one reason or another, they never quite find the audience they deserved.


Maybe the marketing undersold the film, maybe it just wasn't the right time, or maybe it's just that a Marvel movie happened to also come out that weekend. Regardless, there can still be hope. After all, some of the most highly acclaimed films of all time were not well-received upon release.

Classics such as Citizen Kane, The Shining, Fantasia, or even The Wizard of Oz were not viewed as such until they were later reevaluated. Often, a modern classic may go unnoticed simply because it is modern. It is only years later, when reflecting upon the film, that its true merit may be recognized.

Rather than let these films fall by the wayside, it's really worth journeying down recent memory lane and observing the best films of the last few years that you may have missed out on. They're definitely worth a second look.

10. Machete

Sure it's trash, but it's knowingly fun trash.


What started out as a faux-trailer made to accompany Rodrguez and Tarantino's Grindhouse garnered tons of love from fans. A few years later, the film became a reality with Rodriguez returning to write and direct a feature-length version. The result was a ridiculously over-the-top action film that paid homage to the exploitation films of the seventies, following the nonsensical adventures of Machete Cortez.

Featuring gonzo action sequences and such great one-liners as 'Machete don't text', the film earned its spot among the top of the garbage heap. The cast was filled out with odd-ball commodities like Lindsay Lohan, Robert De Niro, and Steven Segal, who all seem to be taking the film deadly serious and making the entire thing even more ludicrous.

Of course, the star of the entire thing truly is Trejo. Regularly regulated to playing side roles or cameos, the film gives him a platform to not just play a lead role, but one of the most bad*ss characters in recent cinematic history.
