10 Most Unexpectedly Awesome Movies Of 2015 (So Far)

Never judge a film by its trailer.

By Sam Hill /

When the odds are stacked against a motion picture - both creatively and commercially - there's nothing quite as brilliant as when said motion picture defies all expectations and somehow, manages to hit a home run. It rarely happens, of course, because most people tend to guess exactly how good a movie is going to be before it hits the theatres based on the associated trailers and marketing materials. But they don't always get it right. Sometimes a movie that people have been long betting against will emerge victorious - a movie that nobody thought could or would deliver the goods, that somehow ends up being worth both your time and money. And people might have bet against said movie for a whole number of reasons: the fact that it's a sequel, or a remake, or a prequel, because the trailer or advertising campaign wasn't very good, or because it features an unbearable actor. Which brings us to this list. What follows are 10 movies that - to most people's surprise - actually turned out to be a lot better than anybody could have anticipated. Not all of these films are masterpieces, mind, but they all managed to defy expectations in their own ways - enough to earn the right to end up branded under the term "unexpectedly awesome..."