10 Movie Characters Who Died Twice

Palpatine wasn't the only movie villain brought back to die again.

By Gareth Morgan /

Death is as inevitable on the big-screen as it is in real-life.


For the most part, though, that vast majority of characters - and living beings outside of the cinematic realm for that matter - will only ever have to go through the ordeal of biting the dust on the one occasion.

That being said, there have actually been those few notable exceptions over the years when certain feature players have had the misfortune of somehow staving off the Grim Reaper at one point, only to once again find themselves on the receiving end of another fatal blow or other form of unfortunate demise later down the road.

Simply put, one ending simply wasn't enough for the following movie heroes and villains (and everything in-between). Either through sheer force of will or some more traditional inexplicable magic/science this lot all lived to fight another day in the wake of seemingly breathing their last breath.

From repeatedly knocked off Chosen Ones, to certain iconic big bads not finding a way to repeat the trick of cheating even the most emphatic of ends, these are those times when movie characters just could not resist a double dose of death.

10. Bertram Pincus - Ghost Town

Before diving into the more larger than life instances of superheroes giving death the middle finger and the surreal second coming of certain Dark Lords, Ricky Gervais' unfortunate habit of taking a wander on over to the other side during Ghost Town will get this double-demise ball rolling.


With Gervais' dentist of Bertram Pincus discovering pretty early in the day that he'd actually been technically classed as dead for just under seven minutes whilst under general anaesthesia in the middle of his colonoscopy, things quickly take a bit of a bizarre turn.

From that moment onwards, Pincus finds himself gifted with the ability to communicate with ghosts, and all manner of supernatural strangeness inevitably unfolds.

Then, after spending much of the flick trying to aid a ghost by the name of Frank with some unfinished business concerning his widow, Bertram is once again dealt a fleeting fatal blow as, similarly to Frank, he accidentally collides with an oncoming bus.

A bit of dodgey anaesthesia and a speeding vehicle wasn't enough to keep this dentist down, mind, with Pincus once again just about staying away from the light completely on the back of himself becoming a ghost for a few brief moments post-bus smash.
