10 Movie Characters Who Died Twice

9. General Zod/Doomsday - Man Of Steel & Dawn Of Justice

Imhotep Mummy
Warner Bros.

Proving to be one rather stubborn pain in the ass for Kal El over the course of his hard-hitting run within the DCEU, General Zod's battle with the Man of Steel in the titular standalone Superman flick very nearly toppled Metropolis entirely.

Things got so intense for ol' Supes that he even had to resort to breaking his "no-killing" rule in the closing stages of that catastrophic brawl, brutally snapping the relentless Kryptonian's neck in order to save the lives of innocent civilians.

A little ol' broken neck was never going to be enough to keep this all-powerful General of Krypton down, though, right?

Well, sort of.

While not technically being revived as the Zod fans witnessed pulverising the Son of Krypton a film earlier, Lex Luthor did use the General's body as the basis for an absolute monstrosity during the events of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Combining his own blood with that of a deceased Zod, Doomsday was ultimately forged by Jesse Eisenberg's LexCorp CEO, paving the way for that Ninja Turtle-looking beast once again being dispatched by Supes late on... only this time, the just about second coming of Zod managed to take Jor El's son down with him.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...