10 Movie Characters Who Just Needed To Listen To Reason

Rocky did tell Apollo not to fight Drago.

By Scott Banner /

It takes a lot of different aspects to craft a strong movie character. They have to be compelling, believable, and charismatic to name just a few traits, but arguably most important is that they aren't always supposed to be perfect.


This goes a long way towards a character feeling real and relatable, and so regardless of whether they're a good guy, a bad guy, or somewhere in the middle, they aren't always going to get everything right. They will make a bad decision, they will miss something obvious, and often, they just won't listen to reason.

Imperfection is important, and it can lead to wonderful moments where emotion takes over and screens are yelled at the world over. But, plead as we might, they march on to an unfortunate fate.

Indeed, in the following characters' cases, all they needed to do was to listen and they could have easily avoided the kind of unwanted situations that stories are made out of.

Just think how much sooner these films would have been over had one character not been quite so headstrong...

10. King Agnarr - Frozen

For the bulk of Disney's Frozen, Elsa (Idina Menzel) was seen by the people of Arendelle as the villain. She was the monster with hidden powers, and was the one who set off a seemingly eternal winter thanks to her inability to control them.


This wasn't the Queen's fault, however, as much as it was her father's. Elsa was born with her powers - she didn't ask for them. After she accidentally hurt Anna (Kristen Bell) when they were kids, King Agnarr (Maurice LaMarche) sought out the trolls for advice on what to do.

Grand Pabbie (CiarĂ¡n Hinds) told the King that the future Queen needed to control her powers, and that fear would be her enemy. Had Elsa and her family embraced her abilities, and allowed her to learn about them rather than fear them, she would have ultimately been able to control them. Instead, Agnarr seemingly ignored everything the troll said.

Had he actually listened he would have known that locking her away and teaching her to fear her magic would have only made things worse, but this was the course of action he chose. Why even bother going to see Grand Pabbie in the first place if he was only going to ignore his warnings anyway?
