10 Movie Moments That Terrified You As A Kid (But Are Laughable Now)

Fear is a funny thing

By Alaina Urquhart-White /

Most rational adults can recall one movie scene that completely shattered their childhood illusion of the world around them and called into question their reasonable expectation of security. You know that one movie scene. That scene that made you check under your bed at night and white-knuckle a flashlight while you slept. That scene that gave you a phobia that you possibly still carry with you, even today. Whenever that cinematic trauma is mentioned, your brain transports you right back to the time, place and location where you first witnessed it. You swear that you remember it so vividly, that it would give you the same feeling of terror even if you watched it today. Here is some good news for you: that's usually not the case. The scenes that once traumatised you to tears now seem to be a representation of just how innocent the collective juvenile mind actually was back then. Most of those monsters and villains are actually sort of hilarious now, and those movie scenes just aren't scary anymore once you develop that pesky ability to use logic. Here are ten that aren't just scary, but cross over the line to become genuinely laughable when viewed with adult eyes.
