10 Movie Plot Twist Clues We All Ignored

We all ignored these brilliant hints at devilish movie plot twists.

By Jack Pooley /

There's nothing quite like a movie plot twist that just takes you totally off-guard and leaves you flabbergasted by the sheer unexpected brilliant creativity of it.


Not every great twist needs to be a huge surprise, admittedly, and some are certainly more obvious than others. Many of the neatest twists, though, foreshadow the big reveal in advance, in a way that makes revisiting the movie a real treat.

And then there are those clues left in plain sight by filmmakers and yet, for one reason or another, viewers en masse opted to ignore them.

Perhaps you assumed the giveaway was actually a mistake on the part of the directors - a continuity error or strange artistic quirk - rather than a neon-signposted indication that nothing was as it actually seemed.

Inspired by this recent Reddit thread, these 10 movie plot twist clues went largely ignored by viewers, who either missed them entirely or pawned them off as accidental gaffes.

But where genius filmmakers are concerned, almost nothing is ever accidental, as so many of these sneaky hints prove beyond any and all doubt...

10. Tyler Exits The Wrong Side Of The Crashed Car - Fight Club

Near the end of Fight Club, Tyler Durden (Brad Pitt) is driving a car with the Narrator (Edward Norton) in the passenger seat. Durden eventually relinquishes control of the wheel and, soon enough, the car veers off the road, crashes, and flips over.


When the pair exit the overturned vehicle, though, Durden emerges from the passenger door.

On an initial viewing, anyone who caught this surely brushed it off as a rare bout of sloppiness on the part of director David Fincher - a continuity error not to be given much thought.

Except, this is instead hinting at the megaton plot twist dropped about 10 minutes later, that Tyler and the Narrator are the same person - dissociated personalities existing within the same body. Tyler exits the passenger door because the two characters are one and the same.

The lesson here? Nothing David Fincher does is by accident, and he'd never make a mistake this blatant unless it was actually on purpose.
