10 Movie Plot Twist Clues We All Ignored

9. Eli Walks Into A Chair - The Book Of Eli

Star Wars The Last Jedi Luke
Warner Bros.

The Book of Eli may not be a great movie, but it does offer up an amusingly ridiculous climactic plot twist, that nomadic, badass protagonist Eli (Denzel Washington) is actually blind, and has incredibly managed to conceal this fact from everyone he encounters - best of all the audience.

But there are some subtle hints early on. Namely, when Eli enters a dilapidated house in the movie's first few minutes, he walks directly into a chair.

It's a brief moment that the audience might simply dismiss as a mistake that the filmmakers kept in the film for some reason - perhaps it was the best take they had? - yet given that the film otherwise establishes Eli as a dexterous, unstoppable badass, it's odd to show him being so clumsy.

But of course, there's a very real purpose to it, to hint that all is not as it seems, and as incredible as Eli's blind navigation skills are, he's also not superhuman.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.