10 Movie Plot Twists Everyone Saw Coming

By Shaun Munro /

There's nothing like a great movie plot twist; it can help to cement a film in the annals of classic cinema by shocking audiences and making them think. A great twist will feel natural to the narrative and make the audience feel stupid for not realising before, whereas a bad twist will seem shoehorned and played purely for shock value. Whether the twists featured in this list were good or not, they're ones that just about everyone who was paying attention should have seen coming. Sure, some of us might have been easier able to guess the twist by looking towards marketing and the hype train surrounding the film, but all things considered, they really are ludicrously obvious. Here are 10 movie plot twists everyone saw coming...

10. Daniel Was Safe The Entire Time - Saw II

This twist is obvious purely from the semantics of the scene; when Detective Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg) breaks into Jigsaw's (Tobin Bell) lair to confront him about his latest plan, he is informed that he will find his kidnapped son Daniel in a "safe, secure state" if he simply sits and talks to Jigsaw. Matthews, driven by a desperate desire to locate his child, does so, but only so that the tactical team he's with can trace the signal of his whereabouts. However, the video-tape of Daniel they've been watching was, in fact, a tape recording from earlier in the evening, and Matthews - who had fled to the traced location by this point - would've found his son in a safe a few feet away from Jigsaw had he simply sat and talked with him until the clock ran out. Matthews ends up caught in a trap himself while his son lives, just as Jigsaw said he would. It's a fun twist, albeit one that's easily guessable because of the very particular, unnatural language Jigsaw uses at the outset.