10 More Movies Based On Disturbing Real Life Events

By Mallorie Halsall /

Darkwater21 Last month, one of WhatCulture!'s writers, Saahil Dama, compiled a fantastic list of horror movies and their true life stories. I have compiled a similar list, but the movies are not specifically horror. Some are thrillers, suspense, and some are just plain uncomfortable to watch. It's hard to believe that people are capable of such horrible crimes or that such eerily, unexplained events can occur and, decades later, still be a mystery. Hollywood loves true events. They love to blow them out of proportion and make audiences fear what would otherwise be a very safe thing, such as a house deep in the woods, a stranger helping you at the airport, and taking trips to exotic locations. The thing about Hollywood, though, is that they very rarely stick to the facts. They will pick a choose parts of the story and fill in the rest with blood, rape, haunting, or any number of other ridiculous nonsense that will, undoubtedly, have audiences talking about it for weeks. The following list was actually really fun for me to make. It was like a history lesson and film study course all in one. Even though some movies on this list are purely speculation, I believe the stories behind them are still pretty cool. You take a read and let me know if you buy into the parallels or if you think it was just to add an extra layer of disgust.