Movies of the horror genre have the rare ability to haunt you once you leave the theatres; a gift that they only share with pre-Hollywood images of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Everything changes when you return home from a well-crafted horror movie. Suddenly, the stairs just aren't as familiar and clothes might not be the only things your cupboard houses. The howling wind could be something else. Your brown Booboo bear is definitely something else. You question things. You look at them differently, with senses and suspicions enhanced. For all you know your seven-year old could be the Devil's spawn. You bludgeon him with a baseball bat. You realize that you were wrong. But now you're afraid that he'll haunt you from the afterlife. But the metaphorical patronus of these dementors of fear is the belief/knowledge of the fact that ghosts don't exist. Though your imagination wrecks havoc by running amok in the fields of horror, you always have the solace of knowing that such things will remain on the screen. Ghosts, ghouls and demons are stuff of legends and movies. They can never actually happen to you. Or can they? The following movies say that they very well can. These are a collection of some fine and some pretty goddamn terrible horror films that have been inspired from real incidents. They happened to people, who probably just like you and me, thought that an exorcism was just the Church trying its hand at being Indiana Jones.