10 Movies From The 2000s That Made More Money Than You Thought

Transformer: Revenge Of The Fallen was a disaster right? Wrong!

By Nick Wilson /

Many films open big, and are then quickly forgotten or left in the dust by the next big release. Some films are even revered during the initial window, but the next installment may taint the franchise. And some films are just awful, but still amass a fortune nonetheless.


While quality of a film is subjective, you can't deny that many bad films are successes at the box office, and some OK films make bank from a mediocre production.

But some great films get forgotten too, either from appearing dated or from being ruined by later installments of its respective franchise. This list is compiled using the adjusted domestic (US) box office numbers.

10. Alice In Wonderland

The 2010 version of Alice In Wonderland starring Johnny Depp, grossed an astonishing $379,000,000 when adjusted to 2019 ticket price levels. While not as high as some other Disney remakes, the film itself was panned as mediocre by just about everyone.


Many attributed its success to being the first 3d film to release after Avatar, when audiences were still excited about anything 3d. The Tim Burton-directed film grossed more domestically when adjusted for inflation than The Jungle Book (2016), Cinderella (2015), and fellow 2010 release Inception.
