10 Movies Starring Supernatural Actors

Missing Supernatural already? Here's are some films starring your favourite actors from the show.

By Jamie Evans /

When Supernatural first premiered in 2005, nobody, not even the creators of the show, expected that we would be sitting here fifteen years later and only just now witnessing the end of the series.


Audiences fell in love with the exploits of Sam and Dean Winchester and have tuned in week upon week to watch the brave duo travel from town to town to hunt monsters and save people. You know, the family business.

A show running for 15 seasons has seen literally hundreds of actors come through playing everything from main roles to one-episode support spots. With that many actors it only makes sense that several of them have gone on to begin careers in the movie industry.

Playing roles of varying sizes and with varying degrees of success, in this list we’ll collect ten times Supernatural actors have appeared in movies. From high-budget Hollywood pictures to independent cinema, from horror movies to light-hearted comedies.

Fair warning; we will be discussing some spoilers for these titles.

10. Crimson Peak - Jim Beaver

Oscar-winning director Guillermo Del Toro released this gothic ghost story in 2015. Starring Mia Wasikowska, Tom Hiddleston and Jessica Chastain the movie is a sweeping high budget love story that looks and feels like a Grimm Fairy Tale brought to life. Set in the ruins of a formerly grandiose manor house, the paint is peeling, the high ceilings are full of holes, exposing the house to the elements, pipes and floorboards creak loudly and dust settles on nearly every surface.


The supporting cast is headed up by Bobby himself, Jim Beaver. He plays Carter Cushing, the wealthy father of Mia Wasikowska’s character. He’s an interesting character in the first act of the movie. Beaver gives the character a three dimensional quality, playing him as more likeable and fatherly than the usual wealthy investor type character portrayed in American cinema.

That’s not to say that the character lacks a hard edge though, for he certainly has that; coldly plotting to traumatise his own daughter as he thinks it will save her from danger.

Del Toro is a filmmaker at the top of his game who has built his career on crafting dark fairy-tale like stories that blend genres. Like his Best-Picture winner, The Shape of Water, this is a gorgeous film to look at, with fantastic sets and costume design. This film is simply one of the best on this list.
