10 Movies That Will Probably Cause World War 3

By Lucas Flanagan /

With the possibility of nuclear warfare maybe days away if Kim Jong Un has his way, so I thought it would be the perfect time to count down ten movies which could lead us to World War 3 (i.e. - while we still can). Now, that's not to say this will happen and we may very well be at war by the time some of these movies release (you know Hollywood will still release them, nuclear winter or not) let us indulge ourselves with a dose of apocalypse future. It'll be fun, I promise. Contemplating your impending doom is always a great, well adjusted social activity to engage in. We'll play a game of, I name ten movies and you tell me which one is most likely to kill us all. I mean, the chances of one of these movies getting into the hands of a media sensationalist (that's a real word I just made up) is bound to set at least one country on nuclear edge. So, here we go with ten winners bound to piss someone off enough to push that button. Side note: I am in no way rooting for any of these scenarios to play out -- save for a few (they've been a long time coming).

10. Red Dawn

The first movie on the list is a great candidate for what may have actually thrown Kim Jong Un into such a hissy fit that he's prepared to wipe the United States off the globe. Of course, I'm talking about Red Dawn, the remake - the movie that was almost not released and probably should have stayed that way. Forget the terrible writing, suspect acting, plot holes and general outrageousness of the film as a whole; forget the ruining of a cult classic film that actually had a little something to say; instead, focus on the completely racist depiction of North Koreans. Yup, that ought to do it. What were the filmmakers thinking? Is North Korea that much of a joke to us in the United States? Anyone who€™s actively searching for a reason and a way to blow me up gets left alone. That€™s rule number one in a book I obviously need to write called, What To Do When Someone Wants To Blow You Up. I hope Pakistan doesn€™t find out that we don€™t have that book yet and God help us if China ever finds out they were the intended villains in the original draft of this movie.