10 Movies That You Need To See More Than Once

By Dolan Reynolds /

Film is a wonderfully broad artistic medium. There's room for so many different genres and innovative ways to tell stories that the possibilities are virtually endless with what a filmmaker can portray. Some movies don't need to be anything other than fun and mindless to be perfectly entertaining but sometimes a director has a much grander vision to explore. I wrote this list specifically to highlight 10 films that need to be viewed multiple times to fully appreciate. I'm not saying that the story is too complicated to understand the first time through, instead I'm saying that the movies that I've picked here have so much to offer in so many areas that it's incredibly difficult to catch it all in one sitting. Some have twists that cause you to rethink everything about the story, some are so intricate and detailed that they can be marveled at over and over again while other feature characters that can't fully be understood without analyzing them further....

10. Taxi Driver

Taxi Driver is a brilliant film that tells what is, perhaps, the greatest character study ever put on the screen. Scorsese and De Niro had their big breakthrough as an actor/director team for the ages here. The way that Scorsese directs the film puts the viewer in the mindset of the protagonist Travis Bickle to give the audience a false sense that they know Travis much better than they do. This was a genius decision on Scorsese's part because Taxi Driver would completely fall apart if Travis couldn't be identified with. Robert De Niro portrays him so the audience sees him as less of a villain and more for the deeply disturbed and wounded man that he is. The lingering sense of Vietnam on his psyche only serves to further his justification for murder and the film's greatest achievement is causing you to root for Travis to succeed in his vigilantism.