10 Movies With Surprisingly High Body Counts

When that family day out at the cinema takes an unexpected dark turn...

By Lee Connor /

Sometimes you know exactly what you're getting yourself in for at the cinema. Going to see Toy Story 4? No problem, a fun-filled masterclass with a heartfelt underlying message from Disney awaits. A trip to cast your eyes over a battle filled epic like Gladiator? Sure, expect a blockbuster littered with deaths and brutal betrayals.


Death is something we expect to see in nearly every movie we indulge in. Whether that be the wait for a key character to finally meet their end or a sudden surprise, there's few major Hollywood productions which go the full distance without some sort of loss.

But sometimes the sheer number of people who meet their demise can come as quite the shock.

Even kids films and family movies can shock us with amount of on-screen death that's offered up, to the point where you're almost wondering if you've gone to see the right film in the first place.

Whether it be the shock of one particular death smacking you in the face or an unexpected massacre, there's been plenty of films where the death count might just catch you by surprise.

10. Maleficent

Despite selling itself as a dark fantasy film, it's hard to really expect a live action film from Disney to be full of death.


Angelina Jolie expertly portrays the troubled Maleficent in what descends into a movie that is much deeper and darker than many Disney titles before it.

While the body count of 12 might not seem huge when compared to other films, it ranks pretty high given that it's a take on the original story of Sleeping Beauty.

Most of the deaths within Maleficent come as the film reaches its climax, with the newly re-winged fairy surviving a fall which ultimately leads to the demise of nemesis King Stefan.

A body count of 12 is small generally speaking, but when you look at all the other offerings from Disney barring the Pirates of the Caribbean series, it's still a surprising number.
