10 Movies You Wish Were Made Differently

What if the Star Wars prequels were...fun?

By Jack Pooley /

Audiences often watch films and find themselves wishing that a single element were better, be it the acting, direction, or script. These missteps don't necessarily ruin a given movie, but they'll probably hamper your enjoyment somewhat.


Yet sometimes there are movies which, despite their clear promise, are conceived so misguidedly from the ground-up, that you can only wish they were constructed entirely differently instead.

Each of these 10 films are so fundamentally wrong in their bones that they needed another creative vision in order to deliver the style, tone, and satisfying narrative fans quite rightly expected.

As much as fandoms can nitpick even good movies to death, these divisive projects were all so much more problematic than some nerds not liking a few morsels of dialogue: conceptually and execution-wise, they just didn't work.

Whether they focused their energy in all the wrong places, tried to appeal to the lowest common denominator, or recklessly embraced risky new technology, these films just didn't know what audiences actually wanted to see...

10. Less Humans, More Monsters - Godzilla (2014)

Though Gareth Edwards' Godzilla remake was broadly praised by critics, the response from fans was decidedly more divisive, with many complaining that the $160 million blockbuster simply didn't feature enough of the titular monster stomping around San Francisco doing his thing.


The film's climax notwithstanding, the majority of the movie sees Edwards frustratingly cutting around Godzilla while focusing more on a rather boring array of human characters.

After unceremoniously killing off the most compelling meat sack, Joe Brody (Bryan Cranston), in the opening 20 minutes of the movie, we're saddled with his son Ford (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) for the remainder, a whitebread dullard with all the personality of a raw potato.

Edwards' mistake was in trying to transplant the minimalist style of his directorial debut Monsters onto a colossal blockbuster movie without a sufficiently interesting human element.

At the end of the day this is a Godzilla movie, and people are paying their money for lashings of ludicrous monster mayhem, so it's generally best to train the focus there and keep the character work to a necessary minimum.

Though the recent sequel Godzilla: King of the Monsters certainly delivered more bang for its buck, it ultimately pigeonholed its plentiful action between even more tedious human gasbagging.
