10 Mythical Deleted Movie Scenes We'll Probably Never Get To See

By Josh Cornell /

Films are almost always shot in an extended fashion, before they're reduced and cut down to a final, coherently-constructed work. That's what the public get to see. At times, though, you'll find huge differences between the studio and preview versions of a film - and then, of course, there are "Director's Cut" versions, too, which tend to emerge in the aftermath of a dividing theatrical cut. In certain instances, studio executives get so involved in the editing process, that they end up destroying a film with their incessant meddling. Their aim? To make a movie as commercially appealing as possible - as was infamously the case with both Welles' The Magnificent Ambersons and Von Stroheim's Greed. Other times, scenes are cut because they leave loopholes, aren't imperative to the overall storyline, or because they are deemed too graphic or politically controversial for public audiences. These cuts are usually demanded by government censors, if not pre-emptively by the studios themselves. Footage of this nature is often burned, destroyed, or hidden away and lost, rendering it inaccessible to future generations, restorationists and historians, though - in a lot of cases - leftover evidence does in fact prove that such things existed. This evidence usually makes it way into the public consciousness in the form of original drafts and production stills. The following article discusses 10 films and the mythical deleted scenes we know to have been filmed and removed, all of which we will likely never get to see. You can never say never, though, as the 2008 discovery of a complete version of Fritz Lang's Metropolis in a South American archive has shown us. But it's safe to say, in most of these cases, that these scenes are gone forever and/or will never see the light of day...