10 Outrageously Over-Acted Moments In The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Chewing the scenery was apparently a strict requirement of being in this movie.

By K.J. Stewart /

The long-awaited Amazing Spider-Man 2 opened last week in the United Kingdom, and although the majority of reviews for the Spidey sequel have been mixed, on the whole they've leaned slightly more towards the positive; the action sequences were fantastic, after all, the CGI was mostly good, Andrew Garfield made the titular role his own again and the relationship between Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy has received widespread praise. Still, the movie certainly had its faults. Too many villains, the rushed Green Goblin transformation storyline, a weak motive for Electro, a ridiculously long running time and a very frustrating ending were a few of the aspects of the movie that have been criticised since release day. However, there was also a severe over-acting epidemic evident on the movie's set for reasons unknown. Now, we're not necessarily saying that this is a bad thing - a comic book movie certainly needs over-the-top characters and big, bold performances. That said, this one really went for it in that regard. In this article, we're going to take a look at a few examples of these scenery chewing antics. Here are 10 outrageously over-acted moments in The Amazing Spider-Man 2... This article contains spoilers, so bail now if you don't want to know what happens in the movie.