10 Outrageously Over-Acted Moments In The Amazing Spider-Man 2

10. Gwen Stacy Gets Webbed To The Car

Prior to Spider-Man heading off for his epic final battle with Electro, Gwen suggested that she could be of use in the fight by assisting her boyfriend with the plan of overloading Electro thanks to her vast scientific knowledge and familiarity with the layout of the city's power grid. Wanting to keep her safe, Spider-Man tricks her in to putting her hand on the hood of a nearby car, at which point he webs her hand to it in order to prevent her from following him to the scene of the imminent conflict. In a moment of exemplary overplaying, Emma Stone had Gwen frustratingly yell "PETER" and promptly cover her mouth in a very exaggerated way, knowing she should not have used Spidey's real name in public. Of course, it emphasised the need for Peter's name to be kept a secret, but it was very over-done.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.