10 Post-Credits Horror Movie Scenes That Changed Everything

Who ever said you were off the hook?

By Matthew Weller /

There comes a moment, usually after the screaming has stopped, when you think it's safe to peek and you're going to be just fine. Well it isn't, and you're not. Whether it's pure sequel bait, or just to flip everything you thought you'd just learned, some horror movies will always have the last laugh.


In recent years, the 'Post Credit Sting' has become a staple in popular movies, beginning in 2008 with Marvel's Iron Man and have now become a regular trope of the Marvel Cinematic Universe experience. It's expected now, each new spandex suited mission gets a tease to keep us well and truly hooked and although it's something we're used, post-credit reveals are not a modern invention.

The first notable PCS turned up in 1968s Night Of The Living Dead; as the credits rolled, still frames of ravaged zombie victims flashed before our eyes. This was followed by the not-as-scary (though equally distinguished) The Muppet Movie, with Animal ordering the audience to "GO HOME!" in quintessential screaming Keith Moon Animal fashion.

The post-credit horrors here are designed to reframe everything you thought you knew, stings that dismantled the ending and left us either demanding a sequel - or a refund.

10. House On Haunted Hill (1999)

House On Haunted Hill is a 1999 remake of the 1959 Vincent Price classic, starring Geoffrey Rush, Famke Janssen and numerous 90s actors that weren't famous then and aren't famous now, possibly with the exception of Lisa Loeb (Grammy winning singer) and James Masters (bleach blonde vampire).


Steven Price, an amusement park mogul, has set a challenge; survive one night in the derelict Vannacutt Psychiatric Institute for the Criminally Insane and receive one million dollars (cue Dr. Evil). It's a safe bet that not all are going to make it through till morning and before long, the blood is flowing along with the 90s Marilyn Manson-esque nu-metal soundtrack of the day - this is more of a nasty music video than a video-nasty.

As the dawn edges closer, Price is shot by the screaming Sara but survives with the help of a bullet-proof vest. He pushes on, only to be consumed by 'The Darkness,' a wobbly evil CGI blob that consumes everything it comes into contact with. The remaining few escape to freedom and credits the roll, phew.

But no! The PCS reveals Price on the operating table - it's 1931, and the inmates are slicing up Geoffrey Rush and his beautiful pencil moustache for all eternity. What's worse is that his scheming wife Evelyn is there to keep him company. Temporal displacement? Pre-destination? Who knows, but it changed the whole film, and not for the best - eternity spent in surgery seems a bit unfair...
