10 Potentially Great Movies Ruined By One Character

How did George Lucas get Anakin Skywalker so wrong?

By Andrew Dilks /

Having recently looked at great movies featuring some laughably bad performances here at WhatCulture.com, we thought we'd twist and flip things around a little and look at movies which were stripped of their potential greatness thanks to a particular character. It takes a special kind of something to include a character in a movie who is so bad it has a negative impact on the film as a whole. Sometimes they're completely out of place, at odds with the general tone of the movie and leave the audience utterly confused as to what they're doing there. At other times it feels as if their presence is the product of a committee meeting, as if studio execs have sat around with a demographic checklist and need them in the movie to tick a particular box. Whatever the reason may be, these are characters who somehow manage to ruin a potentially great movie. If only someone had had the foresight to cast them into the rubbish heap before production went ahead.