10 Under-Rated Comic Book Movies You Need To Love

By Jack Pooley /

There is perhaps no film genre as picked apart as the comic book movie: its fans tend to be some of the most passionate and devoted in the history of pop culture, eagerly poring over each and every detail put on screen. Often this may simply be an effort to uncover obscure, slyly-hidden Easter eggs that a director has embedded deep in their movie, but it may also result in picking apart a movie's narrative flaws, or perhaps decrying that "it's not like the comics". Comic book fandom is a double-edged sword, for sure: filmmakers must be acutely aware by now that any deviation from the source material or perceived flaw is going to ignite a certain amount of anger, often a disproportionate amount that any "casual" viewer simply won't care about (or at least not as much). Basically, here are 10 comic book movies, 10 flawed but certainly entertaining comic book movies which just haven't enjoyed the reputation they should have over the years. The criticisms themselves are often fair, but they've been blown wildly out of proportion, such that the film's legacy has been tarnished. In some cases, the movie just didn't find an audience despite critical acclaim, quietly fading into the ether. Whatever the reason, these 10 comic book flicks easily qualify as underrated, and audiences need to learn to love them. Did we miss any massively underrated comic book films? Let us know in the comments!