10 Reasons Film Buffs Are Single

By Ryan Kim /

Dating is complicated enough as it is. People have to consider the family backgrounds, careers, personalities, looks, and the overall compatibility of a man or woman when dating. Add in some quirks, tics, or annoying habits, and it's really a miracle whenever two people get together and stay together. Against all odds, there are couples who have things in common and some that don't, but hey, you don't choose who to love, or so I hear. Enter the cinephile. A cinephile is a person who has an interest in cinema, but it's much more than being a regular fan. If it's true you don't choose the one you love, then a cinephile may strongly encourage everyone to dig deep and use every ounce of their will to reconsider. It's not that cinephiles are bad people by any means; they're just incredibly abnormal and are mostly lost in their own thoughts, usually thoughts about film. You can already begin to see how dating one will be no picnic. So here are 10 reasons you should never date a cinephile...

10. Addiction

A lot of significant others hate it when their boyfriend or girlfriend blow them off to play video games with friends or drag them along to some event they don't want to go to. The assumption with cinephiles is that even though they may be pretentious (which I'll get to later on), the most annoying it'll get is that you'll get dragged to a movie you don't really want to see every once in a while. Movies are harmless, so it'll be no bother, right? Wrong. It'll be the same with a cinephile, maybe even worse. Cinephiles are addicts; they may not sniff paint, but if they could smell a movie, swirl it in a glass, and take a nice, long sip, they'd never stop uncorking bottles. The point is that watching movies non-stop is just as much a problem as a boyfriend or girlfriend who can never get off the computer or console to give you the undivided attention you deserve. It won't stop there either because if there's one thing cinephiles can't stand, it's people falling asleep to a movie; if you're a significant other, the offense is that much more graver. Not only can you not fall asleep to the movie, but you need to be engaged or at least pretend to be engaged because if you're not analysing the film, then the discussion after the movie is going to be rather awkward. Cinephiles aren't merely addicted, they're a potential gateway for you to share in their addiction, which leads us to our next reason...