10 Reasons Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Is Secretly The Best Freddy Film

Could it be that maybe, just maybe... Craven's original is actually not the king of Freddy flicks?

By Luke Lafontaine /

Everybody knows who Freddy is. By that measure alone, the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise must have done many things right. Sadly, it did many things wrong as well, and in the process of inserting the razor-fingered maniac into pop culture, it proceeded to seriously wear out its welcome with increasingly dismal films. There is certainly a shortage of quality in a library largely comprised of compulsively shot sequels that permanently ruined a great villain€ but is it all bad? Certainly not; widespread opinion has it that Part 3: Dream Warrior is a fine chapter. However, you could sooner starve at a buffet than find someone who thinks it dethroned the original. The first Nightmare was such a horror breakthrough, and is remembered so fondly, that it gets held up to this day as an unsurpassed achievement in Freddy Krueger cinema. It might well be that it could be improved on, but the general consensus is that it hasn't, and that boat has sailed permanently. There are a those who feel that admitting otherwise is tantamount to throwing out Wes Craven's original in favour of the dregs that ruined the franchise, but Part 3 stands apart from those just as well. Read on as to why Nightmare On Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors was not only a fantastic addition to the series, but actually supplants its groundbreaking daddy as the best of them all.
