10 Reasons You’re Wrong About The Hobbit Trilogy

What if you were missing out on something spectacular and you didn't even know it?

By Anthony Lowery /

Viewers and critics alike have demonstrated their out-and-out disappointment with Peter Jackson€™s The Hobbit trilogy, claiming it to be all pixels and no pulse. But is this onslaught truly warranted? Maybe the trilogy was prematurely condemned under the curse of prequels, or like The Godfather: Part III (1990), perhaps it€™s just misunderstood? It may also be that audiences arrived at the party with their Lord Of The Rings expectations or maybe, just maybe, if you look close enough, The Hobbit is actually every bit as good as, if not better than The Lord Of The Rings€ That€™s right! Tolkien aficionados expected Jackson to achieve the same level of epic grandeur with the bloating of one novel as he achieved with three entirely separate novels - it would be like setting sail in a paper boat and expecting it to stay afloat €“ it just doesn€™t happen. But don€™t be so quick to rule him out. With the reduced source material he had, Jackson nonetheless mapped out a sensational trilogy and there€™s a definitive beauty in that. The Hobbit trilogy suffers at the hands of relentless criticisms, but if cynics cap their hasty comparisons and consider the trilogy on its own merits, then there's actually much to love and admire about The Lord Of The Rings prequel series. Here are ten reasons why you are wrong about The Hobbit trilogy.
