10 Reasons You’re Wrong About The Hobbit Trilogy

10. The Length Is Entirely Necessary

One of the biggest criticisms suffered by The Hobbit films is that they are too long€ Seriously? What must be going on in audiences€™ lives that an extra thirty minutes in the company of universally popular characters puts them at risk of exploding into a thousand pieces? Furthermore, no one can pretend that they don€™t already know what they€™re getting in terms of runtime when they make that decision to sit through a Peter Jackson/J.R.R Tolkien movie. In fact, would it not have been strange if the instalments were shorter than two hours in length? If they were, you could bet that they would have been criticised for being too short. The Hobbit trilogy presented Peter Jackson with the perfect opportunity to show Middle-earth in a way that The Lord Of The Rings had no time for. That said, let€™s be thankful for the undernourished novel, though, eh?

Writer of some things you liked and some you didn't. Film grad. Master of Arts. Adrenaline junkie.