10 Recent Horror Comedy Movies You Need To Stop Sleeping On

Stop snoozing and get your scare on with these 10 future cult classics.

By Alisdair Hodgson /

Horror comedy is an oft-overlooked and underappreciated genre. Just think of what gems it has given us over the years: Gremlins, Shaun of the Dead, American Psycho, Ghoulies 3: Ghoulies Go to College...


And while a small number of horror comedies make it to the mainstream each year to be hungrily gobbled by starving fans of the combo genre, a vast array of these movies never make it farther than the bottom server of your 15th favourite streamer. Some great movies are consumed by the algorithm, buried by their distributor, ignored by audiences, and shunned by the establishment in general, never to be seen by anyone again. But no more!

This list is here to unpack some of the best horror comedies of the last few years, showing you all the laughs, scares, slapstick and bloodshed you've been missing, and hopefully waking you up from a coma of Scrubs, Friends, and Office reruns. There's the best Universal monster movie this side of the 1930s, several super fun non-US indies, and all the satires you can eat.

Grab a notepad, make a Letterboxd list, and get ready to be bending your friends' ears for months about these ten horror comedies they've been sleeping on.

10. Slotherhouse

Slotherhouse is the latest in a long tradition of taking the irresistibly cute and turning it into our worst nightmare - with hysterical results. Where Gremlins, Critters, and Cocaine Bear came before, Matthew Goodhue’s Slotherhouse treads anew, inviting us into the world of Emily Young, who wants more than anything to be elected sorority president and will do anything to get there.


“Anything” includes adopting a sloth, which she wrongly presumes will ramp up the cute factor and help her win the popular vote. But soon the sloth is off the tree and crawling rampant around campus, unleashing its innermost evil in a string of vicious murders.

Don’t be fooled by how slow the sloth moves, as American college students can always move slower. This inability to outmanoeuvre the world’s slowest mammal forms the bulk of the comedy for the film, and the ridiculous puppet sloth does the rest. But, despite these ripe comedy-horror pickings, Slotherhouse is still an undiscovered gem. Sure, it only came out last year, but if you sleep on this one any longer, the sloth might just catch you.
