10 Recent Horror Comedy Movies You Need To Stop Sleeping On

9. Renfield

Sissy 2022

Universal hasn't had much luck with its monster movie catalogue this century. Once upon a time, the wolfman and Frankenstein's monster were a big pull for cinemagoers, but no matter what the studio tries it can't seem to revive these has-beens for a tech-conscious audience - and boy, has it tried!

Enter Renfield, which gives the Dracula myth a contemporary spin and plenty of comedy to boot. Nicholas Hoult plays the titular manservant who, having been the Count's servant for 100 years or so, finds himself wanting more. And it takes him attending therapy, meeting spicy traffic cop Rebecca (Awkwafina), and getting caught up in a war with local mobsters to break free from the shackles of his servitude and begin carving out a life of his own.

Tremendously camp and self-aware, Renfield has Nicolas Cage playing Nicolas Cage playing Dracula, channelling his inner nouveau shaman and Hammer horror forebears to realise the best version of the character the 21st century has seen. Despite this wondrous performance, Hoult's reliable charisma, and an additional injection of laughs, blood, and chaos from Awkwafina and Parks & Rec alum Ben Schwartz, audiences wrote this one off out of hand.

The fact of the matter is hardly anyone saw it. The film took only $27 million - a third of its budget - at the box office, and hype has been non-existent. But don't let that fool you, for Renfield's a stone cold killer.

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