10 Recent Movie Deaths EVERYONE Hated

These deaths rubbed everybody the wrong way.

By Jack Pooley /

Death is totally commonplace in movies, yet it can so often be the make-or-break for a film, where a character's death either raises the dramatic stakes to newfound levels or pisses the audience off so much as to basically sink the whole endeavour.


Delivering a well-executed death scene that's satisfying and memorable is a lot harder than it might seem, and so it's perhaps little surprise that so many films - even otherwise great ones - have struggled with it, much to viewers' frustration.

And that's absolutely true of these 10 recent films, each of which served up cinematic deaths which the overwhelming majority of the audience absolutely hated.

Perhaps beloved characters were killed off in deeply unsatisfying ways, or given excessively melodramatic cinematic dirt-naps that ultimately felt unearned.

Elsewhere maybe these deaths simply made viewers feel bad in the pit of their stomach, or in one notable instance, the death scene in question suffered from an unfortunate, unavoidable case of poor timing.

Whatever the reason, audiences didn't vibe with these movie deaths at all, enough that some of them even have fans considering how the character could still return in the future...

10. Batman & Supergirl - The Flash

The Flash is a wild movie for many reasons, but the strangest, most cardinal sin it commits? Killing off both Batman (Michael Keaton) and Supergirl (Sasha Calle) not once but twice, and more to the point, actually letting it stick.


During the movie's final battle as the heroes face off against General Zod (Michael Shannon) and his army, Supergirl is killed by Zod, while Batman sacrifices himself, flying his Batwing into Zod's Kryptonian ship in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy it.

At this point, most people watching likely assume that The Flash (Ezra Miller) will simply travel back in time and save the two superheroes, right?

Well, that's half-right: the two versions of Barry do travel back through time to bring Batman and Supergirl back to life, but only for them to again be killed, Supergirl again being slain by Zod while Batman succumbs to injuries from battling one of Zod's giant goons.

Ultimately Barry is forced to appreciate that the pair cannot be saved and are fated to die every time he goes back in time, and to the surprise of many, they actually stay 100% dead for the rest of the movie.

It's an oddly depressing fate for Batman in particular, given how extensively the marketing focused on the nostalgic appeal of seeing Michael Keaton back in the role.

And given that Sasha Calle did a terrific job as Supergirl, killing her after a single appearance - seemingly clearing the board for James Gunn's upcoming Superman: Legacy - also felt rather deflating.
