10 Recent Movie Deaths EVERYONE Hated

9. Jakob Toretto - Fast X

Fast X Jakob John Cena

Now, any death in the Fast and the Furious franchise has to be prefaced by the fact that mortality has been completely devalued in this series by the sheer number of characters who have either come back from the dead or survived injuries which would kill any normal person.

But Jakob Toretto's (John Cena) laughable sacrificial death in Fast X really took the cake.

Jakob's goofy road trip with his nephew Little B (Leo Abelo Perry) is one of the movie's more entertaining subplots, and confirms that John Cena is far more entertaining as comic relief than the self-serious brute he was in the previous Fast movie.

But after allowing Little B to be kidnapped by villain Dante Reyes (a brilliantly hammy Jason Momoa) in the third act, Jakob decides to atone for his failing by... using rockets to detonate his own car, flinging it into the path of cars driven by Reyes' goons.

Yet the sacrifice just comes off as silly and unnecessary, even for this franchise's standards. Wouldn't Jakob be a more valuable asset alive and helping rescue Little B?

Plus, given that the movie brings Gisele (Gal Gadot) back from the dead mere minutes later, it's incredibly tough to accept that Jakob truly is dead anyway.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.