10 Recent Movie Endings NOBODY Saw Coming

The wildest, most unpredictable endings to recent movies.

By Jack Pooley /

How a movie ends is so damn important, because it may forever change how the audience regards it as a whole. 


Knock the ending out of the park and you've got fans for life, but screw it up at the finish line and all that good work prior can be for nought.

And then there are those endings that simply come totally out of left-field, wildly subverting our expectations and serving up something we never could've anticipated for better or worse.

And that's absolutely the case with these 10 recent movies, each of which ended in a manner nobody predicted ahead of time.

From wild cameos to tonally jarring climaxes, insane divergences into body horror, and everything else in between, these movies ensured to end in a manner that, above all else, was intensely memorable.

Whether these last-minute shocks worked for you or not, they at least saw the filmmakers swinging for the fences and trying to do something provocative, rather than simply leaning back on staid convention.

In an era where media-savvy moviegoers so often feel streets ahead of the films they're watching - especially with modern marketing showing us so much ahead of time - it's nice to be legitimately surprised...

10. Jason Momoa Outta Nowhere - The Fall Guy

Who among us doesn't love a wacky cameo totally outta nowhere? 


Well, The Fall Guy had us all covered at the very end of the movie, once action star Tom Ryder (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) is arrested for trying to frame his trusty stuntman Colt Seavers (Ryan Gosling) for murder.

The film ends with a trailer for the movie Ryder was working on - a Rebel Moon-looking piece of schlock called Metalstorm, directed by Jody Moreno (Emily Blunt) - except, Ryder has now been replaced with Jason Momoa of all people.

The trailer hilariously introduces Momoa as an "MTV Best Kiss award nominee," before we're treated to numerous glimpses of Momoa mugging for the camera, dropping ridiculous one-liners, and kicking a whole ton of ass.

Momoa clearly brings an entirely different energy to the part than Ryder, and dare one say, he certainly seems better suited to the campy space opera vibe the trailer gives off.

But if you keep watching through the credits, the gag gets even better, as a mid-credits scene reveals that Tom wasn't merely arrested - he accidentally detonated some pyrotechnics while trying to flee the authorities, blowing himself to smithereens in the process.
