10 Recent Movie Trailers That Spoiled WAY Too Much

These trailers pointlessly spilled the beans.

By Jack Pooley /

Though there's an argument to be made that modern movie audiences are perhaps a little too fearful of spoilers for their own good, it can also be deeply frustrating when the marketing shows audiences way too much of the film they've already been convinced to watch.


Studies do repeatedly suggest that mainstream audiences like knowing precisely what they're paying to see, but all the same, do trailers really need to break down all the prominent plot points in forensic detail?

And moreover, do they really need to spoil some of the most exciting and unexpected moments long before their release?

That was absolutely the case with these 10 movie trailers, each of which went above and beyond to give away way too much of the movie for free ahead of time.

In some cases, it indicated a certain desperation on the part of the studio to generate as much buzz about the film as possible, while in others the movie had already won everyone over, at which point you simply have to ask - why?

Regardless of how these movies turned out in the end, these trailers were all way over-eager in spilling the details...

10. The Vampire Twist - Abigail

The marketing team behind horror flick Abigail were certainly put in a tough spot, because while selling a movie about a vampiric ballerina (Alisha Weir) picking off a group of her degenerate kidnappers should've been easy, the film doesn't actually drop the whole vampire twist until mid-way.


But ultimately the movie's trailers just spoiled it upfront, ensuring that when audiences sat down to watch Abgail, they were left impatiently waiting almost a full hour to see the vampire mayhem kick off.

A more creative marketing campaign would've simply focused on Abigail being something, but not revealing what the something is, in turn creating buzz and mystique heading towards the big reveal.

But by just giving away the big surprise for free ahead of time, it actively worked against the filmmakers' efforts to make it a mid-film genre-bending shock in the vein of From Dusk Till Dawn. 

Given that the movie's title was changed from Dracula's Daughter to Abigail during development, the creatives clearly didn't plan on it being spoiled pre-release.
