10 Ridiculous Complaints About Upcoming Movies That Need To Die

Too many dinosaurs, too many set-pieces, and what the hell is up with that light-sabre?

By Simon Gallagher /

It is a painful inevitability with the film community now that even the most hotly anticipated movie project will be met with as much cynicism and criticism on announcement as it will excitement. When snark is the currency of most enduring film blogs, and social media celebrates Generation G (For Grumpy), what else could possibly happen? And quite frankly, a good deal of the criticism tends to be well-placed: Hollywood is a monster that eats itself, regurgitating sequels and remakes and ignoring the insistent call for originality and it does need to be torn down a peg or two. But surely it's more valuable to complain about films for the right reasons - like them being made by Michael Bay, for instance - rather than levelling distracting, unnecessary grumbles that entirely miss the point? If you're going to hate, surely it should be for a valuable, informed reason? Not so, apparently. Certain movies that will inevitably sit at the top of the box office when they land, and which will undoubtedly delight fans and critics alike are already being cast off by some well before they've even made it into cinemas. And it needs to stop. Having said that, some upcoming films - like Paul Blart 2 and the upcoming Turtles sequels - are totally fair game. By all means bash them for any reason you care to come up with. Just think a little bit more about some of the other enduring complaints about upcoming films as you do...