10 Ridiculous Complaints About Upcoming Movies That Need To Die

10. It Won't Work Without Spider-Man - Sinister Six

Unfortunately for Sony, The Amazing Spider-Man franchise isn't actually working as well WITH Spider-Man as they might have hoped, which perhaps formed a big part of why they decided to expand the universe (clearly they also needed to to keep hold of the rights too). Though Andrew Garfield was a great option to replace Toby Maguire, the films aren't as universally loved as Sam Raimi's first two, and it feels like the established map of which films will come next is permanently being ripped up on the fly. The Sinister Six is actually the boldest move of all of Sony's tentatively announced titles: hopefully it won't follow the Expendables approach to simply relying on faces rather than substance, but even then the chance to see the origins of a villainous team is a particularly compelling one. On the back of the failings of films like The Punisher and Spawn, comic book film makers tend to avoid unbalanced darkness in their movies, so if the Sinister Six does it well (or indeed Suicide Squad does), the impact will be doubly impressive for the lack of a successful precedent. And for confidence, Sony need only look at the likes of American Psycho for a blue-print of an edgy film that didn't need a wholesome hero for the audience to anchor to.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.