Back in the 1980s, the British Board of Film Classification and the Morality Police (spearheaded by Margaret Thatcher and Mary Whitehouse, a professional busybody) were offended by the subject matter of films being made. Their censorship efforts resulted in certain offensive films being labelled as video nasties, and restricted from viewers in the UK. The most famous of these was undoubtedly The Evil Dead, which went on to become a huge cult classic, spawning two sequels, a remake, and an untold number of unofficial knockoffs (it also gave us Sam Raimi's mainstream career which produced the infamous Spider-man 3 dance sequence, but one can't have everything). Others have gone on to fame (or possibly infamy) among the sleaze horror community, including Cannibal Holocaust, The Last House on the Left, and I Spit On Your Grave. But then there are others that are so laughably outlandish, so deeply offensive to traditional morality, that most people have never even heard of them (and the ones that have kind of wish they didn't). Upon examining some of these films, its almost impossible not to feel a morbid sense of fascination and curiosity. Honestly, the titles alone deserved to be preserved for posterity.