10 Risqué Film Performances From Superstar Actors

The very best of those who dare to bare.

By Thomas Wesson /

Removing your clothes to get ahead at work is something we've all had to do at one time or another. The difference is when we here at WhatCulture.com go topless just because it's tuesday, our image isn't sent around the world to be viewed in movie theatres by thousands upon thousands of strangers (Although between you and me, there are some who wouldn't mind that). It is all the more impressive then, when the mega stars of today decide to kit off for a particularly juicy role - or for that matter a particularly banal role too. It just seems some of them like to go commando as gratuitously as possible and some do it for the purity of the film and their admirable commitment to the part. Inevitably, the end result is the same, we get a cheap thrill - which are often the best kinds of thrill - and the movie makes a few million more dollars at the box office. You should be in no fear that this list will be dominated by the ultra beautiful women to have graced our screens over the past twenty or thirty years, although there are some because the internet strangely doesn't focus on male movie starts taking there clothes off. Well, not as much anyway. The gentlemen are here in force too, equally as risqué and willing to bear all in the name of art. It is a rather different definition of risqué however. With that suitable warning, let's take a look at the top ten risqué performances from superstar actors...