10 Risqué Film Performances From Superstar Actors

10. Christina Ricci (Black Snake Moan, 2006)

Black Snake Moan Christina Ricci has dropped off the proverbial radar of late, leaving most of the larger film roles of her past behind. From the darkest darling Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family (1991) and The Addams Family Values (1993) through to the steamy Sleepy Hollow (1999) with Johnny Depp; it was arguably 2006s Black Snake Moan that showed Christina Ricci's true potential as an actor and incredible co-star. If you have missed Black Snake Moan, it is a film that you owe it to yourself to see. Samuel L. Jackson takes the leading role as Lazarus the retired Blues musician, opposite Ricci's Rae Doole - a southern sex addict with the insatiable appetite that usually accompanies the condition. The nymphomaniac Rae finds herself in Lazarus' care - not entirely of her own free will - in a tale that explores sexuality and how we can defeat our own inner demons and addictions. Unfortunately for Doole, Lazarus is as his namesake suggests a godly man, and his cure for her nymphomania begins by chaining her to a radiator in his house, punctuated by the thundering heartbeat of a fantastic blues soundtrack. The gorgeous cinematography, combined with intensely powerful performances make Black Snake Moan the perfect exploration of the dark side of human sexuality. If that isn't enough of a recommendation, Justin Timberlake is in it too for some reason...

A Video Game Writer and Editor based in Central London, who has a background in Theatrical Lighting, Directing and Playwriting.