10 Scariest Photos Taken In Horror Movie History

Take a picture, it'll haunt you for longer.

By Lily Elborn /

We're all obsessed with taking photos. Capturing every moment of our lives, sometimes for the reality it is, but mostly touching it up a little to make the moment seem perfect.


We spend pretty much a quarter of our lives scrolling through other people's photos online, and usually they are adorable pictures of pets, delicious captures of food or face-tuned selfies taken by celebrities that make you feel inadequate.

But every now and again a photo goes viral for the opposite reasons. People don't want to look at these pictures because they make them happy, these photos you stare at to terrify yourself. Like an innocent snap taken at a party, only to see a ghostly image of a little girl behind you and your friends. Or a suspicious red stain on a far away tree in the background of a beautiful forest shot.

The following movies have perfected the terrifying fear that we have all been victim to at some point, featuring unsettling and down right horrifying photographs that you cannot look away from.

And you know what they say about things you want to stare at obsessively: take a picture, it'll last longer.

10. Is That... Me? - I'm Thinking Of Ending Things

I'm Thinking Of Ending Things is a surreal, visually trippy and altogether disconcerting movie. It's also a movie that has divided audiences since its release with a measly 49% audience score on rotten tomatoes, yet an impressive 82% critic score.


Considering this, it is also important to tell you that it is pretty much universally agreed upon that the first half of this movie is a masterpiece. The first part sees couple, Jake and "Lucy", drive through the snow to visit Jake's parents for the first time; all while Lucy's inner monologue considers her urges to break up with Jake... or "end things".

From the get go, when they arrive, things seem off. Jake's parents, played superbly by Toni Collette and David Thewlis, are unnerving in their keenness and the house feels strangely familiar to Lucy and certain things seem to change before her very eyes.

As Lucy is gazing bemusedly at family photographs on the wall, she comes across as picture of Jake as a child, only it doesn't really look like Jake... it looks like Lucy. But when she turns to ask Jake who it is, he jokingly says "can't you tell".

Confused and unsettled she gazes back, this time the image is very clearly of Jake. It's just one of the clever mind tricks the movie plays on Lucy AND us and it successfully adds to the creepy nature of the film.
