10 Scariest Photos Taken In Horror Movie History

9. That's Not Nana And Pop Pop - The Visit

Host finale
A test source

The Visit follows siblings Rebecca and Tyler as they go to stay with their estranged grandparents for a while. Because of a huge blow up between their mum and her parents, the kids have never met them before and so decide to film a documentary about the first time they meet.

The movie is in the found footage style and it at first seems like an endearing look at a family reunion, but that façade doesn't last very long...

Before the weirdness really gets going, Rebecca tours around the house attempting to get b-roll and perspective on the grandparents. During a scene in which Nana is baking cookies, Rebecca inserts footage of a pin board full of photos and memories from the grandparent's lives with her voiceover stating innocently: "These are the people in Nana and Pop Pop's life."

As the camera cuts back to Nana, you get a full shot of the board, but the photos are distant and blurry. Still, within that board though, is a clue to the truth.

Later on in the movie, after various disturbing events, the siblings beg their mum over videocall to come pick them up immediately; showing grandparents suspiciously standing around outside. That's when the other shoe drops: that's not Nana and Pop Pop.

The reveal is punctuated with a clip showing a photograph from the board: the real Nana and Pop Pop. If only the siblings had looked a little closer, a little earlier.

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Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.