10 Sci-Fi Movies Where Everyone Dies

Because preserving life is only a job for science fact.

By Alisdair Hodgson /

If you think sci-fi is all cuddly little green guys, playboy billionaire philanthropists, aliens in the attic and Matthew Broderick playing games on an IMSAI 8080, you're in the wrong neighbourhood.


Some of the speculative genre's best entries are cotton-wooled, plastic-wrapped, perfectly marketable commodities for the whole family, thriving on the fact that nobody really dies - not anyone important at least - and, if they do, they'll probably be back in the next one (looking at you, Loki). But we're here instead to let the reaper do a bit of navel gazing on his finest full-cast conquests.

This isn't to say that the world ends in each of these superpowered sci-fi expire-a-thons - only that, one way or another, all of the main characters bite the dust. Whether that means coming back Groundhog style only to die a hundred more ways, facing and succumbing to the terrifying majesty of space, killing yourself in a time loop, or simply not being able to run fast enough from those creepy critters with the thirst for brains, all bases are covered.

Be warned: there will be spoilers.

10. Sunshine (2007)

Long before Peaky Blinders made Cillian Murphy a true household name, Danny Boyle's Sunshine took him far from anyone's orbit in an attempt to reignite the dying Sun and save the galaxy - kind of like Interstellar, but much, much darker.


Aboard the Icarus II, international astronaut Capa (Murphy) and his crew (an ensemble cast featuring Rose Byrne, Michelle Yeoh, Benedict Wong, and a pre-Cap Chris Evans), travel sunward. On their way they encounter a series of unexpected challenges, not least of which is a sort of sun madness, causing Searle (Cliff Curtis) to expose himself to the Sun's obliterating rays; and the surviving captain of the Icarus I, Pinbacker - an insane, religious Mark Strong - who wants nothing more than the worldly destruction of humanity.

In a film about driving a bomb into the sun, it's hard to see how anyone would have survived whether the mission was successful or not (though apparently the crew were meant to make it home in one piece...), and the entire cast inevitably bite it. Capa is the last man standing and, as time and reality enter a state of flux, he is able to reach out and give the sun a gentle ol' caress.

