10 Shocking Times Movie Heroes Completely Lost Control

Because even the best of heroes can snap.

By James Metcalfe /

Very few movies in the world of entertainment can be a real success without the the help of a strong main hero. Legendary characters such as James Bond or Aragon have become truly iconic and act as an audience's eyes and ears throughout a story.


Holding the position of a movie's hero comes with certain rules however. Heroes have to have a strong moral compass, knowing the difference between right and wrong, and, to borrow a quote from Ben Parker here, live and breath the motto 'with great power, comes great responsibility'.

Most heroes go into films developing the same level of skills and talents that their adversary possesses, however what keeps them apart is their ability to stay in control and stick to that said moral compass. Heroes should always look out for the innocents in society, only using their powers or skills for good, noble causes.

Sometimes heroes snap though. Whether it be the manipulation of morals from their foes, or a trigger event that sends their emotions spiralling off the hook. It can be scary seeing heroes spiralling out of control, but here's the top 10 examples of when our favourite heroes have well and truly lost the plot.

10. Superman - Man Of Steel

Superman is a character who has always represented truth, justice, freedom and the American way. He's seen mainly as the definition of everything lawfully good in this world, and the usual sight of this DC poster boy is usually him dressed in a bright red and blue suit, flying through the air in his iconic pose with a huge smile on his face.


Whilst it's probably unfair to say that Zak Synder's Man of Steel doesn't capture the essence of this at times, the film definitely portrays a Superman much closer to the edge than any previous titles. This is a far more raw, younger version of the hero, unrefined and very much conflicted when it comes to his arch-enemy General Zod in particular.

The film's climax comes after Zod and Superman have ripped Metropolis apart in a gripping, destructive battle. When Zod threatens an innocent family, refusing to back down, Superman is forced into a terrible battle within himself over what he has to do.

In what is still a controversial ending for DC fans, Superman snaps, quite literally, breaking Zod's neck. For a man who always finds a way of separating himself from killing, this was a big shift for Superman and a real moment of losing control.
