10 Shocking Times Movie Heroes Completely Lost Control

9. Optimus Prime - Transformers 3

Kingsman Secret Service
DreamWorks Pictures/Paramount Pictures

The head of the Autobots faction of Transformers against the evil Decepticons, Optimus Prime has long been the symbol of peace and freedom, acting as a voice for the innocents in society. He is a calming, noble individual on the whole, which makes his moments of frenzy all the more important.

He manages to keep his hands relatively clean throughout the first film, but increasingly becomes a gritty and hardened soldier as the series progresses. Easily the most morally sound of all the characters in the franchise, there is the sense that Optimus is a lot more hesitant in putting up his fists and that every fight has an emotional weight dropped on him.

His frenzy scene comes during the film's big final battle, soaring into the scene and taking down eleven Decepticons, including big baddie Shockwave, in less than a minute. The brutal takedowns are thrilling to watch and showcase some stunning visuals, however there is this sense of awe that comes from seeing an individual like Optimus packing the punches. Violence and fighting are just so out of character for an individual like Optimus Prime that there's no doubt that, once the adrenaline leaves his system, he be feeling some form of remorse for his actions.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.