10 Smartest Decisions Made By Final Girls In Horror Movies

Survival of the fittest.

By Paolo Carlos /

Horror movies often have a colorful cast of characters. With different personalities and coming from different walks of life, these people add flavor to a film. But as an unseen creature, killer or malevolent force wipes them out one by one, there is often a sole survivor. This survivor has historically tended to be female and, as such, is called the final girl by horror fans. The final girl, usually the smartest or most innocent of the bunch, is usually the one who lives to tell the tale.


Because of the vast landscape that is the horror genre, there have been numerous final girls throughout the years. From Laurie Strode to Sidney Prescott, there are too many to count. Despite this, not all of these final girls are built the same.

Some survive by sheer luck, but there are also some who survive these films because of their intelligence and resourcefulness. After all, how many times have viewers shouted at horror victims who made wrong decisions and were killed because of it?

These final girls, then, are the ones who made the right choices and lived because of it.

10. Committing Yourself To An Asylum - Final Destination 2

The Final Destination series has always been about Death trying to punish those who have cheated it. Starting with a vision of an disaster, the protagonist warns a handful of survivors to escape. This causes Death to kill these 'survivors' off through numerous accidents. But with supernatural forces chasing you down anywhere, how do you stop it?


Clear Rivers has a good solution to this. Despite not being the main character of the original Final Destination, Clear has lived the longest in the series. This was because Alex Browning was killed between the first and second installment. Having realized she couldn't cheat Death forever, Clear commits herself to an insane asylum. Rivers also requests her room to be free of any hazards such as sharp objects. By doing this, she locks herself in a room designed to keep her alive. Her plan works as Clear survives for a year.

When the sequel's protagonist, Kimberly Corman asks for Rivers' help, Clear finds herself in danger once more. Because she helps Corman, Death manages to finally kill Clear once and for all. Despite her demise, she is still the victim in the series to have survived the longest.
