10 Spider-Man Characters Who Could Headline The Female Spin-Off Movie

Sony has announced a Spidey spin-off featuring a female lead, and we've got some theories.

By Percival Constantine /

Sony recently made headlines when they announced plans for a spin-off of the Spider-Man franchise for 2017. Now alone, this isn€™t much news€”Amazing Spider-Man 2 already set the stage for a Sinister Six movie, and Sony is also apparently interested in a Venom movie as well. But what made this big news is that this spin-off will feature a female superhero. Superheroines in movies have largely been restricted to team films like X-Men or Avengers or kept in supporting roles like Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises, Black Widow in Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Wonder Woman in the upcoming Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. Attempts to release solo films featuring these characters have largely been massive failures, like Fox€™s Elektra and Warner Bros€™ Catwoman. Assuming that one of the untitled films in either Marvel or Warner Bros€™ slate isn€™t a superheroine movie, Sony will be the first to release a superheroine movie that also ties into a larger cinematic universe. The question is which female superhero will Sony use? There are a number of female heroes in the Marvel Universe with ties to Spider-Man, but not all of them may be fair game for this film. We€™ve looked through the characters and compiled a list of ten potential candidates and the likelihood (or unlikelihood) of their chances at getting picked.