10 Star Wars Characters That Came Back From The Dead (And How)

Some Star Wars characters just can't stay dead.

By Alex Getting /

From the very first Star Wars film in 1977, death seemed to have relatively little consequence. Once Obi-Wan Kenobi was struck down by Darth Vader aboard the Death Star, he quickly became a Force Ghost, essentially preserving his life, although this time, he was a bit bluer than before.


Still, the concept of Force Ghosts was generally accepted, since this feat was reserved solely for Jedi. However, as time went on, more and more Star Wars characters who were not Jedi have been seen to brush death off like it's nothing. Whilst this sometimes can work in the franchise's favour, as it can provide more opportunities for interesting storytelling with these characters, it's not always executed flawlessly.

More often than not, characters return from the grave simply to shock the audience or to provide some cheap nostalgia pandering. Worse still, the frequency of these Sith, scoundrels, and heroes surviving the unsurvivable makes the act of dying in a Star Wars story somewhat irrelevant. Now, there is a precedent that no matter who they are, there is a very good chance the galaxy hasn't seen the last of them yet. Whether that is for the better or worse is certainly up for debate.

10. Bib Fortuna

Since the release of Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi in 1983, many had rightly believed that Jabba the Hutt's right hand Twilek, Bib Fortuna, perished when the sail barge was incinerated, thanks to the heroics of Luke Skywalker and his friends.


Now, we know that not to be the case. There had initially been some material in which the Twilek survived his encounter on the sail barge, with the 1995 comic, Of The Day's Annoyances: Bib Fortuna's Tale, explaining that he had escaped the explosion and became a spider-esque monk known as a B'omarr Monk. That comic was then shoved into the Legends category when Disney purchased the franchise in 2012, and so Fortuna was once again presumed dead.

However, Bib Fortuna surviving the events of Return of the Jedi has once again become canon. In the final scene of the second season of The Mandalorian, a fat Fortuna has taken Jabba's palace for himself after escaping a fiery death near the Great Pit of Carkoon (also known as the Sarlaac Pit).

The Twilek's rule was not as long as he would have hoped for, as he was soon shot dead by Boba Fett, who then took the throne, and Tatooine's criminal empire with it.
